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2 Februari 2003

  1. Vangelis: 1492 [2] - Conquest of paradise (Warner Music)
  2. Kerr, John: Moon [14] - Rings around the moon - Part II (TBN Records)
  3. Shastro: Bandolé [3] - Kinana's Lulleby (Meistersinger Musik)
  4. Kitaro: Kojiki [3] - Koi (Geffen Records)
  5. Rhodes, Stephen: Faeries and Dreams [1] - Soothing Dreams (New World Music)
  6. Rhodes, Stephen: Faeries and Dreams [9] - Bluebell wood (New World Music)
  7. Asha: Love is the only prayer [3] - Hymn of the Universe (New World Music)
  8. Wakeman, Rick: Aspirant Sunshadows [1] - The nightwind (Sattva Music)
  9. Anugama: Environment 2 [1] - Singing water (Nightingale Records)

9 Februari 2003

  1. Jarre: Dreams of passion [8] - Oxygene ()
  2. London Symphony Orchestra: Silk Road Suite [3] - Journey ()
  3. Karunesh: The Way of the Heart [8] - A Journey of the Heart (Oreade)
  4. Labreche, Jean-Pierre: The Dream Age Collection [7] - The path after the path (Circle Records)
  5. Bais, Coen: Bais 7 [5] - Eurythpedie (Nova)
  6. Bais, Coen: Bais 7 [3] - Rainmaker (Nova)
  7. Bais, Coen: Bais 7 [11] - The sweetest of dreams (Nova)
  8. Remkes, George: De schone rivier [1] - Licht (Akasha)
  9. Jan Akkerman: The Best of New Age 3 / Deel 1 [1] - Wildflower (That's Entertainment)
  10. Mike Rowland: The Best of New Age 3 / Deel 1 [2] - Gently arrives the dawn (That's Entertainment)
  11. Goodall, Medwyn: Excalibur [1] - Caliburn (New World Music)

16 februari 2003

  1. Liebert, Ottmar: Nouveau flamenco [4] - 2 the night (Higher Octave Music)
  2. Kitaro: Silver cloud [8] - Straight away to Orion (Polydor)
  3. Pia: Benediction Moon [3] - Angelus Cantus (New World Music)
  4. Karunesh: Colours of light [1] - Japanese spring (Nightingale Records)
  5. Secret Garden: White Stones [9] - Appassionata (Polygram)
  6. Kerr, John: Grand Finales [5] - Life Eternal (TBN Records)
  7. Wayne Gratz: Explore Narada [12] - At sunrise (Narada)
  8. 2002: Land of Forever [6] - Dance witrh a princess (Real Music)
  9. Rowland, Mike: The Dream Age Collection [4] - The brighter side (Circle Records)
  10. Whelan, John: Celtic Crossroads [13] - Passage of time (Narada)

23 Februari 2003

  1. Oliver Serano-Alve: 10 Years of succesful creativity [11] - Tocar Para Sarakali (Sattva Music)
  2. Wakeman, Rick: Visions of Paradise [1] - Fantasy (Sattva Music)
  3. McKennitt, Loreena: The Book of Secrets [7] - Night Ride across the Caucasus (Warner Music)
  4. W.G. Snuffy Walden: Celtic Christmas IV [10] - St. Stephen's Green (Windham Hill Records)
  5. Tepperwein, Sidh: Flight of Fantasy [1] - A sailors dream of Isfahan (Mentalis)
  6. Goodall, Medwyn: The Way of the Dolphin [1] - Odyssey (New World Music)
  7. 2002: Land of Forever [3] - Land of forever (Real Music)
  8. Wayne Gratz: Explore Narada [12] - At sunrise (Narada)


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