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3 September 2006

  1. Nova: The Best of New Age 1 / Deel 1 [2] - Aurora (Good Will Music)
  2. Yanni: Reflections of Passion [11] - Secret vows (Private Music)
  3. Kitaro: Kojiki [3] - Koi (Geffen Records)
  4. Kerr, John: Out of the Blue [3] - In blueberry woods (TBN Records)
  5. Jones, Stuart: Touched by Angels [1] - Together in love (New World Music)
  6. Jones, Stuart: Touched by Angels [5] - Angel of the sea (New World Music)
  7. Shanti, Oliver and Friends: Best of Circles of Life [3] - Journey to Shambala (Sattva Music)
  8. Clannad: The Healing - CD 1 [1] - Mystery game (Universal Music)
  9. Aeoliah: The Dream Age Collection [9] - Windsong (Circle Records)

10 September 2006

  1. Linstead, Johannes: Mediterranea [1] - Andalucia (Earthscape Media)
  2. Voorbogt, Johnny: Pearls [6] - Cathedrals (Johnny Voorbogt Music)
  3. Quinn, Asha: Wings of fire [4] - This love (New World Music)
  4. Levi, Eric: Era 2 [5] - Don't U (Philips)
  5. Amilcar: Echoes of Tuvalu [6] - Forgotten Islands (New Vibes Music)
  6. Adorney, John: Trees of Gold [1] - Swept away (EverSound)
  7. Adorney, John: Trees of Gold [5] - Yilowe (EverSound)
  8. Karunesh: Nirvana Café [5] - The conversation (Real Music)
  9. Blackmore's Night: The Village Lanterne [8] - Village dance (Steamhammer)
  10. Chapman, Philip: Return of the Angels [1] - Everlasting love (New World Music)

17 September 2006

  1. Kitaro: Silver cloud [8] - Straight away to Orion (Polydor)
  2. Adoramus: Hymns of the Celts [5] - Mna-na-h-Eireann (Oreade Music)
  3. Dulin, Michael: The One I Waited for [11] - The one I waited for (Equity Digital)
  4. Bird, Arvel: Animal Totems [11] - Raven crow (Singing Wolf Records)
  5. Bodhi: Trans Ukraine [2] - Crimea II (Crystal Wind Publishing)
  6. Bodhi: Trans Ukraine [5] - Kiev II (Crystal Wind Publishing)
  7. Enya: Amarantine [2] - Amarantine (Warner Music)
  8. Goodall, Medwyn: Clan, a Celtic Journey [1] - Raven ()
  9. Butrock, Martin: Classic [1] - Part I (Beethoven, Bach, Händel, Chopin) (Mentalis)

24 September 2006

  1. Wakeman, Rick: Aspirant Sunshadows [1] - The nightwind (Sattva Music)
  2. Long, Scott: Reaching Calm [2] - What the years have left behind (Scott Long Songs)
  3. Secret Garden: Earth Song [1] - Sometime when it rains (Universal Music)
  4. Pia: Benediction Moon [3] - Angelus Cantus (New World Music)
  5. Avgerinos, Paul: Gnosis [4] - Know thyself (Round Sky Music)
  6. Avgerinos, Paul: Gnosis [6] - Gnosis (Round Sky Music)
  7. Vodjani, Sijano: Karmapa [1] - Karmapa Jenno (Sattva Music)
  8. Wood, Kevin: Sacred [1] - The ritual (New Vision Music)
  9. Karlsson, Fridrik: River of life [1] - River of life ()


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