html> Time Trek, en ontspannende reis door de wereld van de New Age muziek op Radio Rijnwoude.

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5 Juni 2011

  1. Shanti, Oliver and Friends: Best of Circles of Life [4] - Tocar para Sarakali (Sattva Music)
  2. Kamal: Silhouette [2] - On my wings (Nightingale Records)
  3. McKennitt, Loreena: The Book of Secrets [8] - Dante's Prayer (Warner Music)
  4. Secret Garden: White Stones [3] - Hymn to hope (Polygram)
  5. Karunesh: Colours of light [4] - Galadriel (Nightingale Records)
  6. Kitaro: Mizu ni Inori Te [1] - Mizu ni Inori Te (Domo Records)
  7. Kerr, John: Amid the Angels [7] - In praise of love (TBN Records)
  8. Enya: Paint the Sky with Stars [11] - Watermark (Warner Music)
  9. Blackmore's Night: The Village Lanterne [4] - The messenger (Steamhammer)
  10. Rowland, Mike: The Dream Age Collection [4] - The brighter side (Circle Records)

12 Juni 2011

  1. Keiya: Sun Walker [3] - Sun Walker (Oreade)
  2. Medwyn Goodall: Ruby Collection [1] - Sanga (Nazca, land of the Incas) (Oreade)
  3. Davol: Good Sign [3] - Going there (GIRA Sound)
  4. Wakeman, Rick: Aspirant Sunshadows [1] - The nightwind (Sattva Music)
  5. Blackmore's Night: Autumn Sky [4] - Believe in me (Minstrel Hall Music)
  6. Blackmore's Night: Autumn Sky [14] - Health to the company (Minstrel Hall Music)
  7. Coen Bais: New Age Digital 4 [11] - Phronesis (Oreade)
  8. Deuter: Land of Enchantment [1] - Pierrot (Kuckuck Schallplatten)
  9. Sun, David: Joyful Spirit [6] - Passionata (Oreade Music)

19 Juni 2011

  1. Adorney, John: Waiting for the Moon [5] - The river's secret (Eversound)
  2. Goodall, Medwyn: Medicine Woman II [1] - Celebration (New World Music)
  3. Kleinpeter, Kenny: Spirits of Highland [5] - Armand (Kleinpeter Music)
  4. Blackmore's Night: The Village Lanterne [4] - The messenger (Steamhammer)
  5. 2002: Damayanti [3] - Beauty and grace (Galactic Playground Music)
  6. 2002: Damayanti [6] - Cycle of time (Galactic Playground Music)
  7. Chen, Levi: Devocean [1] - Memory (Yin Yang Records)
  8. Rowland, Mike: The Land of Hope and Dreams [3] - Serenade in G ()
  9. Quinn, Asha: Wings of fire [5] - Appassionata (New World Music)

26 Juni 2011

  1. Bais, Coen: Bais 7 [1] - Concerto Visanto (Nova)
  2. Karunesh: Nirvana Café [5] - The conversation (Real Music)
  3. Sullivan, Laura: Close to Home [6] - Shenandoah (Sentient Spirit Records)
  4. McKennitt, Loreena: The Book of Secrets [2] - The Mummers' Dance (Warner Music)
  5. De Salem, Michael: Something Getting Wrong [2] - Sentimental stops (Self-released)
  6. De Salem, Michael: Something Getting Wrong [8] - Higher (Self-released)
  7. Rhodes, Stephen: Ultimate Collection [6] - Angelic love (New World Music)
  8. Wahler, David: Antiquus [4] - Appolo's lyre (Darius Productions)
  9. Jones, Stuart: Lazy Days [4] - Beautiful Language (New World Music)


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